• In this step, you  can see your team member KRA's self-appraisal details.
  • Click on Team Dashboard to go back previous screen. 
  • Currently reviewing appraise details are shown at the left side of the screen.
  • First card will show all the rewards and recognition of the employee. 
  • Second card will show scoring scale details.

Scoring Scale

    • 4 - Employee has met stretch target or exceeded stretch target.
    • 3 - Employee has exceeded target and has met at least 50% of stretch target.
    • 2 - Employee has met target
    • 1 - Employee has Not met target


  • All KRA’s are displayed one after the other in card as shown below. 
  • Here you can see the employee self-appraisal details and then need to enter details like below 

    • Manager Comments – valid comments for rating 
    • Achieved target – enter the archived target based on the unit. 
    • Select score – 0 to 4 based on the calculated score from the target entered.

  • If there are any other comments would like to add then it can be entered in other comment section show below.


  • Download supporting document(s) uploaded by employee here.  click on the document name to download the file.


  • Use validate button to validate the data entered by you and correct accordingly if any. 
  • Once done, save the data using save button to avoid any data loss.
  • Then click next button to go to differentiator section


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