All applicable calibration review tabs will be visible based on the roles and as per the calibration structure. 




    1. Grade/potential values can be selected from the drop down list. 
    2. Any error messages will be displayed in comments box.  all error records can be filtered by using Show/Hide Error Records icon. 


    1. By default, 5 records will be shown. it can be changed using items per page option. 


    1. To navigate between  the  pages, need to click on  next or previous buttons. 


    1. Global search is provided on top of the table. enter any characters to the find the matching records. 


    1. Individual column filters are also possible. click on Filter icon to see all filters on all columns.



       7. Individual column sorting is also available. 

8. If calibration is not yet done by the  manager then staus will be Pending with  Manager.

9. You are  allowed to do  changes only after  manager completes calibration process. 




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