Goal Setting

Contains information about reportees who are reporting to the logged in user.Contains links to different functionalities like 'Set KRA', 'View KRA','Review KRA','Directional feedback' and 'Team Status'.

Upload Team / Individual KRA as Excel file

Click on upload  icon to upload KRA's for team or individuals

Clicking on upload will open a popup,Download KRA upload template using download button,Fill all details and Upload the file

Check 'Preview & Confirm' tab and Click on Upload

Clicking on Upload will show the KRA upload Status in Upload Summary

Download Team KRA Status:

Click on download icon to download team status report as csv file.

Apply Filter

Click on filter icon to apply column wise filter as shown below.

Set KRAs

Click on 'Set' icon to set Evaluators / KRAs / Differentiators for a particaular reportee.

Approve KRAs/Differentiators

Click on Approve icon to approve KRAs/Differentiators set by employee.

Send Back KRAs/Differentiators

Click on Send Back icon to send back KRAs/Differentiators set by employee.

View KRAs

Click on 'View' icon to view KRAs of a particular reportee.

Review KRAs

Click on 'Review' icon to review KRAs of a particular reportee.

Request For Self Appraisal

Click on the email icon as shown below to send a request to do the self-appraisal through an 'email'

Team Status for Senior Managers

You can check the team Status progress under 'Team Status' Column.

Weightage Distribution Charts

You can check the KRA weightage distribution under KRA' Column.

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